#IsoCookbook is well done
Little Bites: Tastes from Isolation cookbook is alive
Taste Detours began working on this book in mid-March 2020 when COVID stunned us all into a radical change of lifestyle — of living — and in our case, a 100% shut down of tours. By mid-April, we had signed on with Jenna Kessler to illustrate the cookbook, and the perfect collaboration was born. She put her botany-loving heart and artist soul into this project, laying out the pages beautifully and adding more design elements than we could have ever imagined. By May 8 we had the first recipe “pairings” loaded here for free download. We wrapped up the complete online book below on July 7 and met in person for the first time that day to drool over the printed version.
Please continue to support our regional growers, makers and food people, and help keep our Wellington County hospitality industry alive.
Find the cookbook here: https://tastedetours.ca/little-bites-cookbook/